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Here you will find Membership Application and Subscription Standing Order forms in PDF format


Please make all cheques payable to : 609 (WR) Squadron Association

Please note: UK Banks charge about £5 commission on cashing cheques in foreign currencies, if using any dollars etc, please send the local currency equivalent of £20 sterling.

It would be helpful and interesting to have a short history of yourself - when/if you served with 609 (old or current), 2609 or 3609, or details of the unit in which you serve/served. What did you do after your time with the Squadron, other interests, possibly family details, who your friends were etc.

As the age span of membership in the Association increases (19 to 95 at present!), it becomes increasingly harder for the younger ones to understand what their predecessors did, before and after Squadron Service.

Should anyone have written more detailed memoirs, and wish to share them with other members, the newsletter editor would be delighted to receive them.

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